Kitchen Sink, Lifestyle

Turn What You Love Into a Hobby

Between family, work, and other responsibilities, you can get to the point where you feel you need some free time. Some “me” time. There comes a point in most adult’s lives where they feel the need to start a new hobby. Some people naturally find a hobby that fits their interests and others need a little help knowing where to start.


There are hundreds, if not thousands, of choices but here are some ideas to get you thinking.

Do you adore food? Do you enjoy trying new recipes? Maybe you could take it to the next level by taking a cooking class. Look online or ask around to see if there is a class offered in your area. Or maybe YOU are the expert and could teach a class to others.

Maybe you could combine your love of socializing and food and organize (or join) a dinner club.

I have several friends who are very good at decorating cakes. They decorate cakes for others on the side and even make a little money.


Maybe growing your food is the way for you to go. I know for me personally, gardening relaxes me. And having fresh, organic food to feed my family is the best feeling. I like learning about the best way to garden for my area and even going to gardening classes taught at local nurseries.

How about taking an art class? Whether it is sculpture or painting, or another medium, a lot of places offer community classes. Or you could enroll at the closest college or university. I love visiting the homes of friends who paint and seeing their art displayed.

Photography is also something I love. I love experimenting with different subjects, lighting, and I even love the editing process. I have learned through trial and error as well as online classes.

I love the look of calligraphy! And it seems to be a lost art. I would love to one day take a class on how to create this beautiful way of writing.

I grew up in a home where both my parents collected things. So I don’t know if it is in my nature to collect or if I do it because of being surrounded by it when I was young. There is something so fun about “the hunt”. I love going into shops or yard sales and finding a new piece for a collection. And it is even more fun to find unique ways to display them in your home.

There are endless possibilities of things you could collect including everything from coins and stamps to vinyl records and figurines. I collect rocks, shells, antique books, and picture frames. I also love to collect small treasure from each place we visit as a family.


Sometimes you need your “me time” to be physical to get out any frustration you may have. I live in an area where a lot of the people run marathons. That is not my cup of tea, but I do love to get outdoors and hike. Maybe rock climbing could be your thing?

My son is fascinated by birds. He loves to draw them, read about them, and recently has gotten into bird watching. He has other “typical” boy hobbies like sports but I love that bird watching is unique to him. And the pictures ( or photos) of the birds he sees can be beautiful artwork as well.

My husband is a good dancer and I am not. I think it is important as a couple to embrace your partner’s interests so you have something to share. I signed us up for a ballroom dance class last year through our community. It is a fun way to connect.

Another favorite of mine is volunteering. It is something you can do with your whole family too. Find out where their are places and organizations that could use your help or organize something yourself. Whether it is at a food bank, animal shelter, or hospital, I know there is some place in your community that could use your service. Doing service to others is the best way to uplift your mood and outlook on life.


This is a popular hobby. I think most, if not all of us, feel a need to create something. I think the most common we think of are paper crafts such as scrapbooking and cards. Or maybe sewing and quilting. But I had a friend growing up and her grandpa collected model trains and built the most beautiful landscapes for them. I used to love watching him make the tiny trees and people. He is able to display them at train shows and share what he has created with other.

I know many people who create their own soap and candles. Some of them even sell them for extra money. I have helped a friend make soap before and it was fun to mix it and add different oils. They make beautiful gifts and can be much better for the skin that store bought soaps depending on how they are made.



When I was little the only people I knew who did genealogy were the elderly members of my family. But it has become very popular as of late. I have learned how to do it through Family Search. I LOVE finding out my ancestor’s stories. You gain a real sense of who you are when you know where you have come from.

Once you have done your family tree, you can create picture galleries of ancestors or a piece of art like this family tree chalkboard like this one from Your Home Base.


No matter what hobby you choose, it is important to balance your busy life with something that brings you joy, relaxes you, and can help you create a more well rounded life. What are your hobbies? What do you enjoy? I would love to hear about it in the comments below!

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