
Budget Friendly Entertaining in Small Spaces

When entertaining in a small space, make the most of what you have. Entertaining does not have to be expensive and does not always require a lot of space to make guests feel comfortable. If you are planning on hosting a party or get-together and feel that your space is limited, consider these tips and tricks.


Clear Up the Space

De-cluttering is the key to creating more space.

  • Shelves can be emptied and used as space for your guests’ plates and food platters; especially if they will be standing.
  • Empty your sink and fill it up with ice for beverages. This will allow you to have extra room in your fridge for food and makes it easier for guests to serve themselves.
  • Use all surfaces in your home as buffet tables, including coffee tables and side tables. Create one large table by combining your coffee tables and side tables.
  • Move furniture towards the walls. This will create enough space for fluid movement. Any furniture that you don’t plan to use, move to the bedroom.
  • If you are using a long dining table, place it diagonally in the room to allow for more seating space.

Go Non-Traditional

  • Avoid a sit-down dinner. This will allow people to move around and talk in a more spacious environment.
  • Consider a Moroccan-style party by placing large floor pillows on the ground for seating. Bright pillows will give a more Moroccan and festive feel and can be as simple or as extravagant as you would like!


  • Ditch the heavy full meal and instead cook up some miniature finger food or hors d’oeuvres for a buffet-style meal. Consider easy foods such as miniature quiches, pigs in blankets, and cupcakes! Creativity can be endless with these ideas!
  • Plastic cups and a marker can prevent too many cups from being used. Have each guest write their name on their cup to use for the duration of the party.
  • Expand a table with inexpensive plywood laid on top and covered with a table cloth. This can be done on a coffee table or dresser to create a buffet table.
  • Keep the festivities on the floor by hosting an indoor picnic! Make it more comfortable with padding or more blankets under the picnic cloth.

Decorate To Create Space

  • Give the illusion that you have more space by placing mirrors in the entertainment area. Use a mirror as a surface and places candles on top to create a relaxing atmosphere.
  • Keep decorations off the ground. Instead, hang decorations such as lights and balloons. Hanging lantern lights are festive and are a great DIY project.
  • Consider temporary wall art as decoration. Wall decals can be simple or extravagant and colorful while not taking up any extra space.
  • Use wrapping paper as table runners, placements for trays and plates, and for wall décor. Purchasing your favorite roll of wrapping paper is inexpensive and allows you to use creativity when decorating.

If Not Indoors, Then Go Outdoors

  • Take the party outside and host a barbeque.
  • Plan a romantic garden party with up-cycled chairs or make-shift tables draped with elegant floral table cloth.

  • Pallet seating is easy to make and great for outdoor seating.

No matter how small your space is, entertaining is always a possibility if done properly. Use these tips and tricks to plan your next party and help you make the most of what you have!

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Hi! I’m Maria, the Marketing Coordinator for Homes.com. I am part of a dream team that is dedicated to running this awesome blog along with Homes.com’s social channels. If I am not busy writing blogs and socially sharing for Homes.com, you can find me painting, drinking tea with my friends, and doing DIY projects!